Dish Wash Table Inlet/ Outlet Tops
CED’s Designline range of commercial dish wash table units are constructed from sturdy 1.2 thk. 430 gd 30mm sq box section framing and solid under shelf storage, with a durable 1.5mm thick 304 gd. steel inlet table top. Using multiple configurations of tops and components available, a unique dish wash table system can be produced either side of the dish wash machine.
The table inlet/ outlet top has anti drip mould to three sides – the rear edge is wider to accept taps. One end of the table is flat- forming an inlet or outlet for dish wash baskets. Typically the table inlet/ outlet is manufactured at 865 mm high – to connect to a commercial pass through dish wash machine.
Dish wash inlet/ outlet table tops are available in seven standard lengths, each length can also be made in two standard depths, 685 or 900 mm – interdependent on the site position/size of the manufacturers dish washing machine.
Roller Table Inlet/ Outlet Tops.
The roller table can also be used either as an inlet or outlet table. Steel materials used in the construction are the same as for dish wash tables. The main difference is that the roller table has a deep well area base and nylon rollers mount to the side walls, to facilitate the smooth passage of dish wash baskets over. Roller tables are again typically 865 mm high, 685 mm deep and are available in four standard lengths. The roller table includes an open steel box section support frame under as standard.
Dish Wash Tables

- Purpose made commercial s/steel solid top dish wash inlet/ outlet table – selected from a choice of :
- A) Dish Wash Inlet/ Outlet Table Top – General Sizes.
B) Dish Wash Inlet/ Outlet Table Top – Options.
C) Dish Wash Inlet/ Outlet Table Top – Frame Options.
- Inlet/ outlet table top constructed in 304 gd (1.5 thk.) s/steel supported on 30 x 30 box section 430 gd. (1.2 thk. ) framework.
- Inlet/ outlet table top has anti drip mould to three sides – rear edge wider to accept optional taps.
- One end of table top is flat – forming an inlet or outlet for dish wash baskets.
- Dish Wash table top is manufactured at 865 mm standard height – to connect to a commercial pass through dish wash machine. (other heights available)
- Dish wash inlet/ outlet table tops available in 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100 & 2400 mm standard lengths.
- Each Dish wash inlet/ outlet table top length also available in 685 & 900 mm standard depths – to suit site position/ size of dish washing machine.
- S/steel under shelf frame option made in 1.2 thk. 430 gd.
Dish Wash Table Inlet/ Outlet Tops
A) General Sizes – Dish Wash Inlet/ Outlet Table Top.
685mm deep
900mm deep
600 mm
900 mm
1200 mm
1500 mm
1800 mm
2100 mm
2400 mm ✔ ✔ |
B) Top Options. – Dish Wash Inlet/ Outlet Table.
Size (mm)
S/Steel bowls (1 1/2″ Waste)
*610 x 450 x 300 mm deep.
*500 x 400 x 300 mm deep.
*400 x 400 x 300 mm deep.
*760 x 510 x 300 mm deep.
*760 x 510 x 380 mm deep
Bowl covers
Sized to suit above bowls
Rear Steel Splash Guard To Bowl (380mm High)
700 mm length
1200 mm length
1500 mm length
1800 mm length
Bench/ Wall Mounted Over Shelving (Single Tier)
450mm high x per metre lengths
Bench Mounted Angled Basket Shelf (c/w Front Up Stand)
510mm deep x per metre length
Wall Mounted Angled Basket Shelf ( c/w Front Up Stand)
510mm deep x per metre length
Waste Disposal Unit Connection (In Bowl Base)
Hole size to suit W.D.U.
Waste Disposal Unit S/Steel Hopper (Welded Into Top)
To suit W.D.U. details
Hand Wash Basins (Welded Into Top)
300mm diam. x 180mm deep
Joint To Form L-Shaped Inlet/Outlet Top
Scrapping Chute – Steel (Welded Into Top)
200 x 200 x 50mm deep.
Cut Out Provision For Cutlery Saver (By Others)
To suit particular cutlery saver.
Rubber Scrapping Ring (Supplied With Cut Out In Top)
Ring mounted in 146 mm diam. hole
C) Frame Options – Dish Wash Inlet/ Outlet Table Top.
Size (mm)
Dish Wash Frame – Leg Set.
865 mm high or to suit dishwasher
Dish Wash Frame – Bank Of Three S/Steel Basket Runners (580 Wide)
520 mm between runners
Dish Wash Frame – Mobile Frame/ Bank Of Three Basket Runners (c/w Braked Castors)
520 mm between runners
Dish Wash Frame – Additional Pair S/Steel Basket Runners
520 mm between runners
Dish Wash Frame – S/steel Under Shelf.(1.2 thk. 430 gd.)
900 mm long
1200 mm long
1500 mm long
1800 mm long
2100 mm long
2400 mm long
2700 mm long
3000 mm long
Dish Wash Frame – Tie Bar.
replaces under shelf option
Dish Wash Frame – U-Shaped Tie Bar
replaces under shelf option
Roller Tables
- A purpose made dish wash basket roller table can be produced by selecting from a choice of:
A) roller table – top size.
B) roller table – top options.
C) roller table – frame options.
- Roller table top constructed in 304 gd (1.5 thk.) s/steel supported on 30 x 30 box section 430 gd. (1.2 thk. ) open framework.
- Roller table top has a fully welded deep well area in the steel base – nylon rollers mount to the side walls, to facilitate the smooth passage of dish wash baskets over.
- The roller table can also be used either as an inlet or outlet table, adjacent to dish wash machine.
- Includes an open steel box section support frame under as standard.
- One end of table top is flat – forming an inlet or outlet for dish wash baskets.
- Roller table top is manufactured at 865 mm standard height – to connect to a commercial pass through dish wash machine.
- Roller table tops are available in 900, 1200, 1500 & 1800 mm standard lengths.
- Each roller table top length is also available in either 685 & 900 mm standard depths – to suit site position/ size of dish washing machine.
- S/steel under shelf frame option made in 1.2 thk. 430 gd.
- Bespoke table lengths/ heights are available on request.
Roller Table Inlet/ Outlet Tops
A) General Sizes – Roller Inlet/ Outlet Table Top.
685mm (front to back)
* Roller tables include leg sets with open frame as standard. (as image shown).
B) Top Options – Roller Inlet/ Outlet Table.
Size (mm)
S/Steel bowls (Set In Well Area Of Top) 1 1/2″ Waste.
610 x 450 x 300 mm deep.
500 x 400 x 300 mm deep.
400 x 400 x 300 mm deep. |
Rear Steel Splash Guard To Bowl (380mm High)
700 mm length
1200 mm length
1500 mm length
1800 mm length
Wall Mounted Over Shelving (Single Tier)
450mm high x per metre lengths
Wall Mounted Angled Basket Shelf ( c/w Front Up Stand)
510mm deep x per metre length
Waste Disposal Unit Connection (To Inlet Bowl Base)
Hole size to suit W.D.U.
Joint To Form L-Shaped Inlet/Outlet Top |
n/a |
Scrapping Chute – Steel (Welded Into Inlet Side Top)
200 x 200 x 50 mm deep.
C) Frame Options – Roller Inlet/ Outlet Table Top.
Size (mm)
Roller Table Frame – Additional Leg Set
865 mm high or to suit dishwasher
Roller Table Frame – S/steel Under Shelf.
900 mm long
1200 mm long
1500 mm long
1800 mm long
Roller Table Frame – U-Shaped Tie Bar |
replaces under shelf option
Roller Table Frame – Tie Bar |
replaces under shelf option
General Layout Drawings/ Cleaning Information.
Dish Wash Table/ Roller Tables
Dish Wash & Roller Inlet/ Outlet Tables – Top Options
Steel Bowl. A choice of bowls in 1.2mm thick 304 gd. steel can be added to the layout. Bowl sizes are :
610 x 450 x 300 mm deep.
500 x 400 x 300 mm deep.
400 x 400 x 300 mm deep.
*760 x 510 x 300 mm deep.
*750 x 510 x 380 mm deep. * Not available with roller tables.
Bowl Cover. In smaller kitchens where worktop space is limited, a solid flat stainless steel bowl cover can be used to provide a temporary additional work area. The cover has finger holes for lifting on/ off the dish wash table bowl.* Not available with roller tables.
Rear Steel Splash Guard.
When a bowl is selected for the top, a 380 mm high steel splash guard can be added behind the bowl. The splash back typically has tapered return sides to each end and is available in 700,1200, 1500 & 1800 mm lengths.
Bench/ Wall Mounted Over Shelf. Additional storage can be provided above dish wash table height, by the integration of steel shelving – typically used over L-shaped dish wash tabling tops and mounted on the raised edges of the top. Alternatively a cantilevered version can be fitted to straight sections or the angled shelf provided to be fitted to a wall above the table location. These can be provided as :
*single tier steel over shelf 450 mm high,
*double tier over shelf 700 mm high,
*triple tier over shelf 900 mm high.
* Bench mounted over shelving is not available with roller tables.
Basket Shelf.
Dish wash basket storage can be provided via wall mounted or cantilever bench mounted basket shelves. The basket shelf provides a 510 mm deep angled surface with front lip, to accommodate single or multiple baskets, in various metre lengths and is normally provided to outlet table tops.
Waste Disposal Connection Facility – Steel Bowl.
To connect a waste disposal system to the bowl unit, the standard bowls can be made ready to accept the waste disposal system, with a larger waste cut out in the bowl base.
Waste Disposal Unit S/Steel Hopper – Welded Into Top. A further option to the table top is the provision of an angle sided steel chute – welded into the top, that allows for a waste disposal unit to be attached.* Not available with roller tables.
Hand Wash Basin.
A 300 mm diameter x 180 mm deep circular hand wash bowl can also be incorporated if required to the table top.* Not available with roller tables.
Joint To Form L-Shaped Inlet/Outlet Top.
With the provision of a turned down lip on each side of the table top and the facility to bolt the two halves together, corner sections can be created. It is normal to seal the joint with silicone on site.
Scrapping Chute. A 200 x 200m x 50mm deep welded 304 gd steel chute can be incorporated in the top, to facilitate the disposal of food scraps throught the top into bin storage beneath.
Cut Out For Cutlery Saver.
Cut out provision can be made in the top for the insertion of a plastic coated rectangular magnetic cutlery catching chute. The chute locates in the cut out provided.* Not available with roller tables.
Rubber Scrapping Ring – Inset Into Top.
Provision can be made for a removable rubber scrapping ring that forms a hopper head in the table top and entry point for food waste. Both the cut out in top and scrapping ring can be supplied.
* Not available with roller tables.
Dish Wash & Roller Inlet/ Outlet Tables – Frame Options
Leg Set.
(Dish Wash & Roller Table Frames)
The dish wash carcass/ frame can be created from multiple options, depending on the required setting out for the unit. A leg set consists of a pair of front & rear vertical box section legs. The rear vertical leg is always set in-board of the top. L-shaped table layouts may require more, straight table layouts less etc.
Bank Of Three Basket Runners (Dish Wash Frame Only).
Provision can be made in the carcass for dish wash basket storage, by the addition of section to carry a bank of three. The option includes steel leg sets and steel basket runners.* Not available with roller tables.
Mobile Frame/ Bank Of Three Basket Runners (Dish Wash Frame Only). Alternatively this section can be produced as a mobile roll under section.* Not available with roller tables.
Additional Pair Basket Runners (Dish Wash Frame Only).
Additional basket runners can be included on the carcass, for additional dish wash baskets.* Not available with roller tables.
Under Shelf (Dish Wash & Roller Table Frames).
A solid steel storage under-shelf can be included below the top, the shelf is provided in a number of standard lengths, i.e. 900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2400, 2700 & 3000 mm long.
Tie Bar (Dish Wash & Roller Table Frames).
In lieu of a solid under shelf, a horizontal tie bar can be added between rear leg sets to strengthen the frame.
U-Shaped Tie Bar (Dish Wash & Roller Table Frames).
A U-shaped version of the horizontal tie bar can also be added, which is set back 85 mm from the position of the rear vertical frame legs.